Once again Seznam.cz revenues increased year-on-year, this time by 7.5% to nearly CZK 3.129 billion. This therefore is approximately twice as fast year-on-year growth than that of the previous year. Thus, in 2014 Seznam.cz’s profit before tax was more than one billion crowns.
Seznam.cz revenues have continued to increase. Their growth has even accelerated and in 2014 the company’s total revenues were more than CZK 3.1 billion. Also in 2014 revenues from search ads, i.e. from the Sklik advertising system had their highest growth, i.e. over 20% year-on-year. If we look at how Seznam.cz’s revenues are categorised, it is clear that the largest proportion of its total revenue comes from the Sklik, the PPC advertising system, which accounts for more than 40% of the total sales of the company. The revenues from display advertising, including video and mobile ad formats (in services such as Novinky.cz, Super.cz, Stream.cz, etc.) together contribute a one-third share. The remaining income, approximately 20%, comes from advertising on professional filed servers (Sreality.cz, Sauto.cz, Zboží.cz, etc.) and the yellow-pages like catalogue server Firmy.cz. In 2014 Seznam.cz’s profit before tax was more than one billion Czech crowns, reaching over CZK 1.136 billion.
“This has again proved that the upgrading of the Sklik advertising system has been worthwhile. Using it during 2014 increased revenues by nearly 21%. We also made innovations, however, with regard to formats and ad positions in our classic display advertising and this increased our revenues year-on-year by 10%. The fastest growing were the revenues from the Sport.cz service (y-o-y increase of more than 45%). We succeeded not only in product innovation but also in business one,” was the comment of Pavel Zima, the General Manager of Seznam.cz on the results who added: “Last year we also embarked on making acquisitions. We started by linking-up with Kupi.cz and the TopGis. We have started this year with smaller projects, such as Sleduj divadlo (Watch the Theatre) and BikerSeason. And just today we announced our investment in Mautilus.”
In 2014 a number of our advertising possibilities underwent significant modifications that helped to increase our total revenues. Seznam.cz now supports additional unusual advertising solutions, especially on the home page of Seznam.cz, where the campaigns of its clients achieve a high degree of visibility and success. The rich media formats on Seznam.cz, are also becoming increasingly popular, the companies concerned invested tens of millions of Czech crowns in 2014. Meanwhile Seznam.cz is intensively developing its Sklik advertising system. It has also added the optional use of targeted banners for PPC campaigns, for example, and is continuing to work on additional methods of targetted advertising. In addition, since last year when the company embarked on RTB, it has also seen a y-o-y increase of 50% in the number of campaigns that use behavioural targeting. In 2014 the Zboží.cz service also underwent significant improvements and currently it uses the auction model to searching for the offerings of e-shops. The Firmy.cz catalogue underwent the most significant changes. It now combines the advantages of being the most visited service of its kind with active in-time management of campaigns in accordance with the specific needs of advertisers.
Irena Zatloukalová,