New advertising format Seznam Reach Video offers reach comparable to television advertising

11. March 2019, the leader of the Czech internet, has launched a new product for its advertisers called Seznam Reach Video, which combines various video advertising options for maximum user reach. With the help of Seznam Reach Video, clients can reach most of their target online audience. The format has the ambition to compete with television advertising in terms of reach.

Seznam Reach Video allows you to reach not only those who watch videos, but also consumers of text content. The new ad format is currently available on the websites,, Prož,,, Garáž.cz and on the news platforms Seznam Zprávy and The ideal duration for a commercial message is under twenty seconds, but the video format supports length of up to sixty seconds.

Seznam Reach Video format is especially suitable for clients looking to improve their brand awareness. “In terms of reaching specific target groups whose TV viewing frequency is lower than in the general population, Seznam Reach Video, in combination with behavioural targeting, can very well complement a television campaign,” explains Petr Daneš, Video Advertising Manager at

According to the latest available data from Median, the new format can reach up to 80% of the target group aged 15-69. “With Seznam Reach Video, new clients are able to reach, for example, 2.4 million users interested in the car segment, 1.3 million users interested in fashion or almost a million women aged 18-40,” adds Daneš.