Taste Sun, another winner of the Sklik Challenge for Certified Agencies, shared with us its winning tips for working with Sklik. Let’s take a look at their recommendations how to work with the content and search network.
Eliminate low quality visits from retargeting
With retargeting lists, you reach users on the content network who fall into your predefined criteria. By default, the audience is created based on a visit to the website or its specific section. But did all users who met this condition really show interest in your product? It is probably clear to you that this may not be the rule.
Examine the behaviour of all users on the web compared with converted users in Google Analytics and look for different patterns of behaviour. Did the converted users spend more time on the site, browse more pages, or perform another microconversion? Consider deploying microconversion to this arbitrary event through GTM.
Microconversion is an action performed by a user on the web, and based on it, you can in GTM activate the measurement of either a special conversion code or a modified retargeting code in Sklik.
If you use a special conversion code, you can define your audience based on that conversion. In this case, it is necessary to take into account that the conversion metric in Sklik will usually increase significantly and will not correspond to the main conversion rate. If you use the retargeting code path to create lists, a specially modified retargeting code will be executed after a user action in GTM. This code adds a special parameter, set up like a trap, to the measured URL of the page you visited. Based on the presence of this parameter, you can then create a specific audience that performed the microconversion you are tracking.
We recommend that you test regularly targeted retargeting campaigns against campaigns with poor quality visits excluded, and closely monitor your results.
Adding conversion search queries
When creating campaigns, you’ll probably never include all the keywords that will generate conversions. While crawling your search queries, did you find words that you haven’t yet added as a keyword, even though they’re converting? You lose control of the word. If you add a formulated search query as a keyword, you can get more conversions at a better price.
Does identifying conversion queries seem like a tedious job to you? You don’t have to despair, with to the following hack you can do it in a few clicks:
Select Statistics from the menu and select Create Report. Use Keywords as the report type.
- Select only the search network and download the report in TSV format for Excel.
- Filter the exact-matched keywords in the generated file so that only the phrase-matched or broad-matched keywords remain. Sort the rows from the highest value in the Conversion column.
- In the Query column, pull out those queries that make sense in your account, also in terms of meeting your campaign goals. Incorporate queries as new keywords into new / existing reports according to your account structure. Be sure to exclude these new keywords from surrounding related reports to avoid overlapping reports.
- Import new prepared reports into Sklik via Update Mode.
- New conversion search queries are now added to your account.
Compare incorporated KW in the account against search queries
If you use specific targeting, such as exact keyword matches, your campaigns will only capture a limited number of search queries. While this is about reducing costs, it’s also about narrowing the market that your campaigns can handle. So, where do you get new search queries without a broad match? Keyword suggestions can be a great help. The following hack worked for us:
- Export search queries from the Keyword Suggestion tool in the interface, including their search statistics. Export all keywords from your account.
- Use Excel to compare which search queries are already included as keywords in your account.
- Sort queries that are not included by the frequency of their search and consider inclusion in the account according to their relevance.
We believe that our tips will help you make your routine account work much easier. They worked for us!
Author: Veronika Maryníková, PA Specialist, Taste Sun