Buying with visibility in an open auction

14. August 2020

In spring we managed an RTB campaign for our client s.Oliver. It is a good example of a new approach that delivers high visibility even with low CPM (cost per mille).

The order placed with Seznam by Dark Side on behalf of client s.Oliver included, among other things, buying of banner space in RTB. For this part, we decided to take advantage of the exceptionally good prices of banner space in an open auction.

The aim of the campaign was brand promotion. In addition to impact, we consider high visibility to be a key criterion for success in such campaigns, but not only in them. DSP Xandr, which allows us to limit the placement of advertising only to positions of which the purchasing platform has been informed that they meet a certain percentage of visibility according to the IAB standard, has proven to be an invaluable tool.

The average value of visibility thus climbed to 76.29%, and with a well calibrated ratio between the open auction (within Seznam inventory) and our private deals, we also achieved a final CPM of CZK 31.19. In the open auction itself, we managed to buy our own advertising space at a CPM of CZK 15.96.

The following document gives a comprehensive overview of the campaign results:

Case Study: s.Oliver

If you were inspired by this campaign and its results and you are interested in the implementation of a similar campaign with RTB Seznam, or you want to learn more, please contact us at

Jakub Skřivan for the RTB team