9 reasons why buy ad space at Seznam in RTB

Veronika Geltner 7. January 2021

RTB lets you buy advertising space in a few clicks from almost anywhere. It is all the more important to pay attention on which pages and in what context the ad is displayed. Ondra Kacbal talked about it in detail at this year‘s Seznam forum.

At Seznam, we take the quality of advertising space very seriously. Although the definition of a quality environment may, and probably will, vary, it is a website that people go to because they are interested in a topic or service, and so they spend some time there. In addition, the site itself should be user-friendly and the visitor should not be overwhelmed with advertising. We are committed to this user experience not only for Seznam, but also with our external partners through our advertising standards. As a result, our ads, as you can read below, work better. What are the other reasons why to buy Seznam space in RTB? Find out in our infographic!

Quality content improves the perception and memory of advertising

A biometric study by Integral Ad Science, ,which focuses on the analysis of the quality of advertising space, identified the influence of high-quality and low-quality advertising environment on user interaction with advertising. Through monitoring of the brain aktivity of centres which are responsible for the positive and negative perception of advertising, this neurological reseach demonstrates that the environment in which the ad appears has a significant impact on consumers’ reactions to the advertisement.

The IAS survey found that ads viewed in high-quality mobile web environments are perceived 74% more favorably than ads viewed in low-quality environments. Advertising in high-quality content environments resulted in 4% higher brand affinity, 20% higher engagement, 7% greater emotional intensity, 29% more attention to advertising details, and 30% greater memorization of advertising messages in general.

This article was written with the help of a translation of the original article published here.

Tomáš Drška for the RTB Team