New visible video ad formats Outstream Floating and Seznam Brand Video combine the benefits of other popular advertising positions and allow you to reach your audience efficiently and cost-effectively.
Outstream floating
With Outstream Floating you can now reach all audiences of Seznam content sites at once with a single video product. For example, Outstream, which was displayed only on the website, reached 500,000 women per week. With Outstream Floating, this number almost doubles.
The inspiration for this product is a similar position in instream advertising, which has become the most used product of video advertising. Floating Outstream is displayed on the desktop versions of Novinky, Seznam Zprávy, Sport, Super, ProŽ, Garáž and most recently also Kupi Magazín.
Outstream, as on other websites, can be found just below the article. The video starts as soon as it is visible at least 50%. If the user scrolls away from it, playback will stop. This guarantees maximum video visibility and viewer attention. See the position looks on the website.

In general, shorter spots with creative lengths of up to 15 seconds, which reach a 15% view through rate, work better. It’s important that the beginning of the video is interesting because the advertiser has less time to reach the user.
Please bear in mind that in most cases the creative content will be played without sound, so it is ideal to incorporate captions into the video to help tell the story.
Seznam Brand Video
We designed Seznam Brand Video, the second product, with cutting the average cost per video viewed in mind. It combines the Outstream Floating, as described above, and non-skippable video, for which we now allow up to 30 seconds of footage. This is unique in the feature within our portfolio and cannot be used in any other Seznam video product.

In combination with the non-skippable video, the price per 1 view starts at an excellent CZK 0.8 in gross prices.
Seznam Brand Video has already been tested by our client McDonald’s and their agency OMD, who wanted to use a non-skippable video to maximize the number of views within the campaign: “We have reached an attractive price per view CZK 0.83 at list prices on Seznam premium video space that correspond to our assumptions.”
The example of McDonald’s shows that the use of non-skipping video will reduce the price per view up to CZK 0.8 in gross prices. For example, with a 50% discount, it is possible to reach CPV of CZK 0.4.