It’s rather easy to reach customers who use the Google browser with advertising. But targeting users with Safari or Firefox browsers is quite a challenge. We love a challenge, so we got right down to business with our client Deichmann. Using video advertising to do this and targeted mainly people interested in shopping and discounts.
About the client
Deichmann-obuv is a German family-owned company and one of Europe’s biggest footwear retailers. Operating also in 31 countries worldwide, Deichman bases its strategy on growth from its own resources and independence from financial markets. In addition to traditional brands, it also offers elegant shoes or shoes for sports. And it complements its own product range with popular brands like Nike, Puma and others. In its marketing communication, the company promises customers both fashion and quality at an affordable price.
About the campaign
As part of the DEICHMANN-BLACK-WEEK campaign which ran from November 21, 2022 to November 27, 2022, we communicated via video advertising up to 50% discounted prices in stores and on the e-shop during the Black Friday period.
213 694
Video completion:
147 383
VCR (Video completion rate):
69,0 %
Period (reported):
November 21-27, 2022
Video (10 s)
Number of creatives:
Campaign goal
The goal we set for ourselves was to reach users interested in shopping and discounts. By choosing high-quality data segments, we wanted to maximize interest in the client’s video ad and achieve the highest VCR (Video Completion Rate). The key for us was to focus on an audience that is harder to reach with targeted advertising. That is, users who operate primarily outside of Google Chrome.
Data usage
We applied various types of targeting in the campaign, including 3rd party cookies. So, in the case study, we focus only on cookieless solutions.
Seznam Black Friday – 1st party targeting using data-enriched private deals that include users interested in shopping and shoes bots.
Digiseg Black Friday – targeting based on segments of IP addresses that contain users interested in discounts and shopping.
Oracle Black Friday – contextual targeting focusing on discount and shopping topics.
We broke down the campaign by data and limited the targeting to Safari and Firefox only. In doing so, we focused only on users who rely on identifiers other than 3rd party cookies.
In cookieless strategies, 22% of all campaign impressions took place. These impressions were evenly split between the targeting from Seznam, Digiseg and Oracle. We didn’t change any of the strategy settings and they remained the same for all lineitems. We optimized the video completion.
Targeting from Seznam reached a 66% video completion rate, exceeding our KPIs by 32%. Digiseg and Oracle achieved a video completion rate slightly above 40%, which is below the set campaign goal.
CR %
Improvement over KPI
15 209
66 %
+32 %
15 626
43 %
-15 %
14 276
41 %
-18 %
45 111
50 %
* We set the campaign goal (KPI) at a 50% video ad completion rate.
Targeting from Seznam is the clear winner and has significantly contributed to the overall goal of the Deichmann Black Week campaign.
> 50 %
Campaign KPI
+32 %
Result of targeting from Seznam
And finally, something special
We were pleased to have implemented a substantial part of the campaign across all cookieless strategies, despite the fact that it focused on only two browsers, Safari and Firefox. The results of the video completion rate are also fantastic, which exceeded the 40% video completion rate even in these “data-disadvantaged” browsers.
Interestingly, both Digiseg and Oracle purchased impressions evenly between Safari and Firefox, but the Seznam strategy purchased impressions significantly in Firefox (93% of the Imps) and minimally in Safari (7% of the Imps). The reason for that was that the Seznam data strategy only purchased on desktop devices and Safari primarily a mobile browser.
Mazda achieved high-quality results from personalized banner content with targeting from Seznam thanks to the cooperation of the GroupM and teams. The latter provided its cookie data with the types of searched vehicles. A number of creatives were then created based on these. How many creatives were needed for the targeting to work properly? …
Brand campaigns are undoubtedly a vital part of marketing, especially in a highly competitive environment, so we should never forget the importance of building brand awareness. But can a bumper, i.e., an unskippable 6-second video ad, be a suitable means to extend the reach of a TV campaign? And does it make sense to use this format as a tool to build awareness of a new product? Have a look at how our client Jan Becher managed to use a bumper to support a TV campaign and achieve outstanding results.
A campaign for Volvo was created as part of the RTB challenge “Show what you can do without cookies!” The objective was to reach the relevant audience and lead them to the client’s website. And all this in a cookieless way of course. See what solution the RTB representatives of the Xaxis team produced. About …
Zpracování osobních údajů
Za účelem využití služby „Newsletter” dostupné na internetové adrese (URL) (dále jen „Služba“) uživatelem Služby (dále jen „Uživatel“) je společnost, a.s., IČO 261 68 685, se sídlem Radlická 3294/10, 150 00 Praha 5, provozovatel Služby (dále jen “Provozovatel”) oprávněna zpracovávat osobní údaje Uživatelů (zejména adresné a popisné údaje v rozsahu níže uvedeném), které tito Uživatelé poskytnou Provozovateli v rámci užívání Služby.
Osobní údaje Uživatele budou zpracovány Provozovatelem v nezbytném rozsahu za účelem poskytování Služby, a to zejména za těmito účely:
za účelem zařazení kontaktních údajů do databáze Provozovatelem a za účelem zasílání obchodních nabídek Uživateli ze strany Provozovatele;
za účelem zařazení kontaktních údajů do kontaktů Provozovatele za účelem vzájemné budoucí komunikace Provozovatele a Uživatele.
Takové zpracování osobních údajů je zákonné, jelikož je nezbytné pro splnění smlouvy, na jejímž základě Uživatel užívá Službu, a jejíchž smluvní stranou je Uživatel, jako subjekt osobních údajů.
Provozovatel postupuje při zpracování osobních údajů v souladu s nařízením Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) č. 2016/679 o ochraně fyzických osob v souvislosti se zpracováním osobních údajů a o volném pohybu těchto údajů (obecné nařízení o ochraně osobních údajů, dále jen „nařízení“), zákonem č. 110/2019 Sb., o zpracování osobních údajů, zákonem č. 111/2019 Sb., kterým se mění některé zákony s přijetím zákona o zpracování osobních údajů, zákonem č. 480/2004 Sb., o některých službách informační společnosti, zákonem č. 127/2005 Sb., o elektronických komunikacích a dalšími právními předpisy upravující ochranu osobních údajů.
Podrobnější informace o nakládání s osobními údaji jsou uvedeny na internetových stránkách Provozovatele, a to v příslušné sekci.