In today’s online world, where we are constantly faced with so many ads, it’s important to remind users and measure brand awareness regularly, even with well-defined targeting. It was the combination of the follow-up strategy and measurement of awareness through Seznam Brand Lift that helped the client to succeed with his campaign. Let’s have a look at it.
About the Konopný Táta brand
Konopný Táta (Cannabis Dad) is engaged in the production of cannabis-based products. Initially, the company focused only on the production of cannabis ointments, over time it has also included other assortments such as cannabis teas and oils, CBD oils and other cannabis-based products. The company’s success is based primarily on original technology that it develops and builds on its own. Thanks to extraction technology, constant development and its positive approach to work, the company offers its customers the best available.
The path to brand visibility
The main goal of the campaign was to increase brand awareness among target groups and to lead these users to the client’s website. To increase the frequency of the reach and to remind users, we used retargeting in the campaign with a new follow-up message. This higher reach frequency is the key to building brand awareness.
The campaign briefly
3 202 047
712 835
0,78 %
63,24 %
82,18 %
View-through rate (VTR)
Three key targeting segments
The client chose a total of three target groups in the campaign:
Caring mothers – Women interested in buying products for their children such as toys, cosmetics, etc. They watch children’s programmes and fairy tales on and/or visit websites geared towards parents.
Seniors dealing with their health – Elderly people who regularly visit websites for seniors and health-related websites. They are interested in medical care and buying aids for seniors and the disabled, and/or those searching for homes for the elderly or medical offices and workplaces on
Skin problems – People who use our search engine and our internal and external websites to seek out topics related to skin problems.
Campaign strategy and creative used
The campaign was divided into two phases. In the first, we addressed these audiences using banners, native ads and bumpers. The banners and bumpers served to introduce the brand and were displayed to all the mentioned audiences. The texts of native ads were then personalized for each target group.
In the second phase, we showed personalized bumpers to users who encountered the creatives from the first phase. Their content corresponded to the original target group.
That’s because the great advantage of RTB campaigns is the possibility of using campaign data. Thanks to this data, we can sophisticatedly reach an audience that has had some interaction with the campaign. In this case, we selected the following audiences for retargeting:
100% viewable banner for at least one second
Viewed video
Click on the native ad
Example of one of the bumpers used
Example of campaign banners
How did the campaign do?
To evaluate the campaign, we used the product Seznam Brand Lift. This tool collects user feedback through a survey and specified questions regarding brand awareness or consideration, fondness for it or purchase interest. The question is shown to two groups:
Control (pre-campaign) – a group that has not encountered the campaign.
Exposed – a group that has been in contact with the campaign.
Seznam Brand Lift form used
We focused the question used in Brand Lift on the awareness of the client’s cannabis ointments. The result showed a 56% increase (10 percentage points) in brand awareness (with a certain level of knowledge), which confirms the positive influence of RTB campaigns on brand awareness.
The campaign result exceeded expectations
The measurement results show that working with campaign data has paid off. The strategy, focused on higher frequency, follow-up messages and the use of a personalized message, helped us to strengthen the brand awareness in the selected target groups.
Such a significant increase in the level of brand awareness thanks to the display campaign represents a result well above average.
Prepared on behalf the RTB team by Libuše Holoubková & Nikola Fořt Levová
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Zpracování osobních údajů
Za účelem využití služby „Newsletter” dostupné na internetové adrese (URL) (dále jen „Služba“) uživatelem Služby (dále jen „Uživatel“) je společnost, a.s., IČO 261 68 685, se sídlem Radlická 3294/10, 150 00 Praha 5, provozovatel Služby (dále jen “Provozovatel”) oprávněna zpracovávat osobní údaje Uživatelů (zejména adresné a popisné údaje v rozsahu níže uvedeném), které tito Uživatelé poskytnou Provozovateli v rámci užívání Služby.
Osobní údaje Uživatele budou zpracovány Provozovatelem v nezbytném rozsahu za účelem poskytování Služby, a to zejména za těmito účely:
za účelem zařazení kontaktních údajů do databáze Provozovatelem a za účelem zasílání obchodních nabídek Uživateli ze strany Provozovatele;
za účelem zařazení kontaktních údajů do kontaktů Provozovatele za účelem vzájemné budoucí komunikace Provozovatele a Uživatele.
Takové zpracování osobních údajů je zákonné, jelikož je nezbytné pro splnění smlouvy, na jejímž základě Uživatel užívá Službu, a jejíchž smluvní stranou je Uživatel, jako subjekt osobních údajů.
Provozovatel postupuje při zpracování osobních údajů v souladu s nařízením Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) č. 2016/679 o ochraně fyzických osob v souvislosti se zpracováním osobních údajů a o volném pohybu těchto údajů (obecné nařízení o ochraně osobních údajů, dále jen „nařízení“), zákonem č. 110/2019 Sb., o zpracování osobních údajů, zákonem č. 111/2019 Sb., kterým se mění některé zákony s přijetím zákona o zpracování osobních údajů, zákonem č. 480/2004 Sb., o některých službách informační společnosti, zákonem č. 127/2005 Sb., o elektronických komunikacích a dalšími právními předpisy upravující ochranu osobních údajů.
Podrobnější informace o nakládání s osobními údaji jsou uvedeny na internetových stránkách Provozovatele, a to v příslušné sekci.