The Czech internet leader has opened its third data centre. The new building was added to the existing data centre in Horní Počernice, which was commissioned in 2015. The implementation took exactly one year and was carried out in cooperation with Metrostav and the general contractor, Altron. currently has three data centres – Osaka, Nagoya and Kokura, where there are three data halls. While Nagoya and Kokura belong to the Czech internet leader, Osaka is leased from O2. In total, up to 6 MW of power is planned for the IT equipment at the sites owned.
“Although Kokura 3 is part of the original data centre, it is structurally and technologically a separate unit. We have been able to introduce several innovations here that are not present in Nagoya, for example, which is only a year old. A significant innovation is that we are leaving out the UPS and batteries on one power branch. Thus, we will fully rely on the redundancy of power supplies in IT technology,” explains Vlastimil Pečínka, Technical Director of This change will reduce investment and operating costs, and will rely more on its own multi-source power supply.
The third data centre takes sustainability into consideration
The domestic Internet leader is fulfilling its economic as well as ecological strategies. “Right next to the motor-generator room, we have built a water treatment plant that fulfils the same role as that at DC Nagoya – it draws water from an underground tank which stores it when it rains, treats it and delivers it to the rooftop air handling units. Water is necessary both to adjust the humidity of the air that these units circulate into the data hall, thus reducing the risk of static electricity, and in summer to reduce the temperature of the intake air,” explains Vlastimil Pečínka, adding that the principle of cooling is also used to reduce the temperature of the intake air: “As a part of our move towards greater sustainability, we have modified the warm air extraction system and plan to increase the efficiency of the control by placing the extraction fans directly into the so-called warm aisles. We have also introduced another small innovation in the cold air distribution system. Our goal is to achieve the same PUE values as at the Nagoya data centre.”
The company, Czech internet leader, has slightly increased its revenues in 2023 – they grew by 0.18% compared to 2022 to CZK 5.939 billion. Profit before tax also grew slightly, in particular by 6.06% to CZK 1.362 billion. “We entered the year 2023 in anticipation of the cooling domestic online market and the ongoing …
Compared to 2021, revenues of the company increased by 5.8% to almost CZK 5.93 billion. On contrary, the Czech internet leader’s pre-tax profits amounted to CZK 1.284 billion, i.e. 34.5% drop year-on-year. The decrease in profits was due not only to rising costs related to the current economic situation, but also to significant personnel …
Thanks to its continued market success and the attendant growth in capacity required for the processing of data, has built its second proprietary data centre, called ‘Nagoya’, taking another step towards becoming an entity absolutely independent of external suppliers. The building takes up an area of approximately 1,200 square metres, with, the number one …
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