Update your tracking scripts to keep your retargeting and conversion tracking working

23. September 2024

Google Chrome is likely to stop supporting third-party cookies in early 2025. Therefore, it is high time to make adjustments that will allow you to continue to work with Sklik and Zboží.cz as you are used to. Without them, your conversion tracking and retargeting will virtually stop working.

Targeted advertising is currently dependent on the use of third-party cookies, and this also applies to its tracking. According to current data, two-thirds of Czechs use Google Chrome. Other popular browsers such as Safari and Firefox already block third-party cookies. This means that the upcoming change will mean the end of internet advertising as we know it today.

You can find more about the end of third-party cookies and tips on how to prepare for it on our website.

What’s the target? Identification of users

In order for Seznam to place a user in the correct retargeting list or record a conversion if they clicked through your ad, you need to modify the conversion and retargeting tracking scripts you already use today. You’ll now also be using them to insert an identifier, which is the user’s hashed email address.  Of course, you’ll need consent from the user to do this, just as you’ll need consent to run any ad scripts that store or read cookies in the browser.

What is hashing?

SHA stands for “Secure Hash Algorithm” and is a function that
converts input data into a unique string of fixed-length characters. This
string is called a hash. Each change to the input data results in a different
hash value. This means that the SHA hash acts as a digital fingerprint of the
data, which is used, for example, to verify the integrity or authenticity of
the data. Retrieving the original data from the hash value is almost
impossible, which means that hashing is a one-way process.

The new eid parameter is used to pass the identifier. If for some reason you can’t hash the email on your side, you can insert it into the script unhashed and the script will hash it for security reasons before sending it to Seznam. For more detailed information, see the updated help section for tracking scripts in Sklik and Zboží.cz. You can also use the updated templates for Google Tag Manager, which already support the new parameters.

For clients of the Shoptet, FastCentrik, Eshop-Rychle.cz and BINARGON platforms, user identification is even easier. We are negotiating with other e-shop solution providers regarding direct integration.

Do not delay editing the script

Depending on the technical design of your website and the modification processes, it may take weeks to modify the conversion and retargeting code, so we recommend that you start the process of updating these scripts as soon as possible. Because Safari or Firefox browsers already block third-party cookies by default, early implementation can give you the advantage of more tracked conversions and greater reach for retargeting and dynamic retargeting in Sklik.

If you want to have an even bigger edge over your competitors, implement other identifiers – phone numbers and user addresses.

Bronislav Hamšík and David Velechovský for Sklik and Zboží.cz teams