How do you know if your brand has become recognised by your customers? With Seznam Brand Lift, you can evaluate your campaign goals and the extent to which your brand awareness has increased. See how this tool helped Hyundai Motors with their Going to the Euro! campaign.
Seznam Brand Lift helps you measure the impact of your brand campaigns. It’s a one-click questionnaire that is shown to two groups – those who have seen the ad and those who haven’t. The difference in the scores of these two groups represents the so-called lift, i.e. the impact of the campaign on the brand.
The tool provides information on brand equity, brand awareness, consideration of the product and brand offered, as well as the affection for the brand and purchase interest.
How did Hyundai Motors take advantage of Seznam Brand Lift?
A Seznam Native content campaign was designed to increase Hyundai Motors’ perception as the official partner of the Czech national football team. The campaign was created by Seznam Brand Studio and built on two pillars:
- An online fanzone was created where, in addition to content about the championship, people could enter a draw for great prizes or send messages to the Czech national team.
- A new programme called “Going to the Euros” was created by the Seznam Zprávy editorial team.
In addition to product placement, the show included sponsor messages and all of the episodes were published on the Seznam Zprávy website in articles with targeted client banners. The communication was complemented with banners in thematic articles across Seznam and commercials on Expres FM radio.
The set goal was achieved and, thanks to the Seznam Brand Lift tool, we were able to measure the perception of the Hyundai brand as the main partner of the Czech national football team, which had increased by 98% after the campaign.
“Seznam Brand Lift is a very interesting addition to the standard questionnaire survey we conduct on a regular basis to measure performance. Thus, it is possible to compare the change in perception on the targeted exposed audience in Seznam Brand Lift against a standard random sample of respondents across society. In both cases of the project we are talking about the tracked metrics show an increasing rate.
However, the growth in brand perception on the exposed audience in Seznam Brand Lift is dramatically higher and reflects the success of each format – especially video content. Personally, I consider it important to maintain similar branded content on a consistent basis to maintain the desired results.”
Jan Przyczko
Marketing Manager, Hyundai Motor Czech
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