Sklik now allows you to work with client data in the form of custom email address lists. This introduces a new form of targeting, which opens up new possibilities for integrating data from CRM or CDP systems. How does targeting work and what are the experiences of our advertisers?
In terms of the development of targeted advertising in Sklik, this is a long-awaited innovation. You can now also use your own email lists or databases in Sklik to reach your registered, existing or potential customers (provided, of course, that you have the consent of your users for this purpose). In the case of Sklik, this does not have to be exclusively on the domain. Users commonly use a address to log in to Seznam, for example.
This is similar to the type of targeting you know from Google Ads under the name “custom audiences” or Facebook, where you can find it under the name “custom user lists”. With this new method of targeting email addresses, we are ushering in a new era of targeting your ads in the Sklik content network.
Make the most of your own data and activate new campaigns using all available ad formats. This new targeting can also be combined with all other targeting types and is suitable for all types of customer communication strategies. For acquisition-type campaigns combined with branding or video formats, you can reach those of your clients who don’t regularly visit your website and cannot be easily retargeted.
Targeting custom customer lists – which use cases are the best?
An online pet store wants to promote tick products during the tick season and wants to offer them to relevant customers, i.e., those who have dogs. It can build an audience – it exports the email addresses in its system of customers who have recently purchased other dog products. Sklik retargeting of the store’s customer list lets the store effectively target the customers with relevant offers.
An online store is opening a branch in a city where it has not had a presence before. With the new feature, the store can reach customers in that city with information about the opening.
A tour operator easily and reliably reaches last year’s customers with the current offer, regardless of whether the customer’s cookies have lasted for that last year.
You can activate your regular customers in performance type campaigns,. You can already reach these users with retargeting, but with the planned restriction of third-party cookie support, it won’t be so easy.
“For targeting custom customer lists, CPA on Sklik is better than cookie (url) targeting and we get better results for the same lists on another platform. We plan to continue using this targeting in the Sklik network.”
Tomáš Bzirský, Head of Performance Marketing, Koší
“Using the same data source for Xella, Ytong, we gained 143% more audience in Sklik than in Google Ads. We further leveraged this audience in our remarketing efforts, where it performed the best of all in terms of meeting our endpoints (engaged visitors and form submissions).”
“We chose our client Makro to test the targeting our own customer lists. The primary segment that Makro focuses on is B2B. By targeting a custom customer list, we were able to create a custom B2B audience that we could segment in more detail and personalize the message to that segment. The Macro customer base is largely made up of Seznam email addresses, which has translated into greater pairability compared to Google Ads. Despite a lower click-through rate compared to traditional retargeting, we were able to meet the client’s business objectives due to the size of the audience. So the new targeting will certainly become an integral part of future campaigns.”
Advertisers using dynamic retargeting have the opportunity to extend the reach of their campaigns to other relevant customers interested in exactly which products they currently offer. Because it works on Seznam data, audiences will be available even after the end of third-party cookies, which is near. How does the new targeting work and how can …
Sklik is constantly innovating its services, so you can now base lookalike targeting on email addresses. This novelty will allow you to target your campaigns accurately even in cookieless times. The accuracy and efficiency of targeted campaigns is ensured by advanced machine learning.
Last autumn we introduced a new feature that offers advertisers a new way of targeting. Sklik allows you to work with customer data, specifically your own lists of customers email addresses. But for some, collecting your customers’ emails may sound suspicious. To allay any unnecessary fears about using this targeting, here are answers to three of the most common concerns.
Zpracování osobních údajů
Za účelem využití služby „Newsletter” dostupné na internetové adrese (URL) (dále jen „Služba“) uživatelem Služby (dále jen „Uživatel“) je společnost, a.s., IČO 261 68 685, se sídlem Radlická 3294/10, 150 00 Praha 5, provozovatel Služby (dále jen “Provozovatel”) oprávněna zpracovávat osobní údaje Uživatelů (zejména adresné a popisné údaje v rozsahu níže uvedeném), které tito Uživatelé poskytnou Provozovateli v rámci užívání Služby.
Osobní údaje Uživatele budou zpracovány Provozovatelem v nezbytném rozsahu za účelem poskytování Služby, a to zejména za těmito účely:
za účelem zařazení kontaktních údajů do databáze Provozovatelem a za účelem zasílání obchodních nabídek Uživateli ze strany Provozovatele;
za účelem zařazení kontaktních údajů do kontaktů Provozovatele za účelem vzájemné budoucí komunikace Provozovatele a Uživatele.
Takové zpracování osobních údajů je zákonné, jelikož je nezbytné pro splnění smlouvy, na jejímž základě Uživatel užívá Službu, a jejíchž smluvní stranou je Uživatel, jako subjekt osobních údajů.
Provozovatel postupuje při zpracování osobních údajů v souladu s nařízením Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) č. 2016/679 o ochraně fyzických osob v souvislosti se zpracováním osobních údajů a o volném pohybu těchto údajů (obecné nařízení o ochraně osobních údajů, dále jen „nařízení“), zákonem č. 110/2019 Sb., o zpracování osobních údajů, zákonem č. 111/2019 Sb., kterým se mění některé zákony s přijetím zákona o zpracování osobních údajů, zákonem č. 480/2004 Sb., o některých službách informační společnosti, zákonem č. 127/2005 Sb., o elektronických komunikacích a dalšími právními předpisy upravující ochranu osobních údajů.
Podrobnější informace o nakládání s osobními údaji jsou uvedeny na internetových stránkách Provozovatele, a to v příslušné sekci.