We are unifying shopping advertising on Seznam. What does this mean for e-shops?

We want to offer Seznam users the best shopping experience in search and on Zboží.cz. Whether when searching for the best price or even when choosing products when they need advice. Improving the shopping experience for users will go hand in hand with expanding the ways of reaching potential customers for advertisers in Sklik and Zboží.cz. To avoid operating two platforms, Seznam.cz will combine them into one. Seznam Nákupy will also become part of the new advertising e-shop Seznam Reklama in the future.

Our long-term goal is to make advertising on Seznam simpler and clearer. At the end of the Seznam Nákupy (Seznam Shopping) project, you will manage all product advertising through one platform which will combine the advantages of both existing ones. The interface will be familiar to you as it is based on the look of the Sklik advertising platform. 

At the end of last year, we simplified the start of advertising with automatic linking and introduced the option to use single unified conversion code (more details on the Zboží.cz blog (in Czech only)). During this and next year, we will be integrating Sklik and Zboží in several phases, hence, you can gradually prepare for this change.

Firstly, we will give you the opportunity to start evaluating the performance of both platforms together. “Today marks the beginning of a period in which you can consider and possibly choose to connect Sklik and Zboží statistics and benefit from a unified view of the data immediately” says David Velechovský, Sklik’s consulting manager.

More details in the Sklik Help.

Moreover, we will allow you to set maximum cost per click in Zboží.cz simply by using product groups in Sklik. This will make setup quick and easy. And not only for smaller e-shops that don’t use today’s advanced feed/API bidding options. Support for feed bidding including 3rd party tools will remain fully maintained in the future.

In 2022, you will be able to choose the preferred bidding method in Sklik (product groups in the interface or by feed) and whether you wish to keep using the set bids by Zboží.cz or by Sklik product ads. It will then be possible to serve the advertisement with a single campaign reaching 62% *of real users in the Czech Republic*.

“We will also continuously improve our shopping results in search on Seznam.cz in order to significantly increase the share of traffic you receive from shopping campaigns,” adds Jan Kriegel, manager of Zboží.cz. More details on the Zboží.cz blog (in Czech only).

How to get the most of Seznam Nákupy

In order to get the most out of Seznam Nákupy, you need to gradually prepare yourself for its final form.

Unify reporting

Maybe you are wondering how you will process and report data for product campaigns after its consolidation during 2022? Today, you often use different Peněženka (Seznam.cz Wallet) accounts for advertising in Sklik and Zboží, and sometimes a different specialist manages them. However, we can certainly agree that in terms of goals and performance, product ads in Sklik are significantly closer to Zboží.cz than, for example, video ads in Sklik. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the current mindset for evaluation.

The possibility to integrate reporting is already available today thanks to the option of connecting Zboží.cz premise statistics in Sklik. At the beginning of 2022, we will then copy all statistics for the assigned premises into Sklik. We will explain this second step in more detail in time so you can prepare for it.

The advantage of managing product campaigns under one roof

Consider who will manage your campaigns in Seznam Nákupy when they are fully consolidated during 2022. By integrating current shopping ads and Zboží.cz in one place and under one administrator, you will have an even bigger market to cover with one new tool.

And the simplification of advertising on Seznam.cz will continue. In the future, Seznam Nákupy project will become part of the comprehensive advertising platform Seznam Reklama offering programmatic direct purchase and enabling a direct agreement between buyer and seller. Seznam Nákupy will be an integral part of it.

We will keep you informed about everything important in advance so you can prepare. Thank you for joining us on this journey!

Seznam Nákupy team

*Data Netmonitor for January 2020, search reach of Seznam.cz, Zbozi.cz, Sbazar.cz and Obrazky.cz