NetDirect Offers Seznam Log-in to its e-shops on the FastCentrik Platform

Veronika Geltner 26. April 2022

The moment when we lose cookies and it will become impossible to target customers via this tool is coming, and those who think about the future must prepare for it. Fortunately, has prepared several solutions for its partners. One of them is user log-in via Seznam. We asked Libor Zůbek, Marketing Director at NetDirect, a company that helps its clients create e-shops, how his customers respond to the new service.

What have you offered to your clients?

Newly, our clients can use Seznam Log-in on the FastCentrik e-shop platform for the registration and log-in of their customers. This will simplify customers’ lives, thanks to a simple one-click log-in, and for e-shops, it will simplify customer database management. In short, it is a win-win situation for both sides. And it is a must for those e-shops that do not want to lose the benefits of working with targeted advertising in the future.

How many clients do you have and how many of them have implemented Seznam Log-in?

Currently, over 3,500 clients use the FastCentrik e-shop rental. We have offered Seznam Log-in to all of our clients, and it is up to them to activate the solution. We do not have exact numbers at the moment, but based on the positive response, I would dare guess that most of them will be interested in Seznam Log-in in the future.

How, specifically, will customer log-in help an e-shop?

Shopping and presence in the e-shop environment will be far simpler for a user who is logged in. The customer can easily log in and he does not need to remember any other passwords, log-in names, and registration details. Just a few clicks of the mouse and he has peace of mind.

Why did you decide to cooperate with

We have had good experience with Seznam. We have implemented many features and services together for our customers in the past and it has always been beneficial for all parties involved. It is also unquestionable that the Seznam brand enjoys the trust of our clients as well as their customers.

What direction do you think the logging in of users on the Internet will take?

I believe that user log-ins on the Internet will be on the rise. This trend can already be observed today, both in purchases in e-shops and in access to various applications. From my point of view, it is obvious that this will be a definite advantage for our clients and Seznam users. It is also related to the security of personal data on the Internet. People should not entrust sensitive data such as log-in names and passwords or payment card details to just anyone, but only to trusted partners. And Seznam is certainly that.

How do your e-shops motivate their clients to sign up? Do you have any incentives for them, besides having to log in to complete a purchase?

For example, one of our clients, Radek Muška, who operates the e-shop, has not motivated his customers in any way. He is waiting for the launch of a bonus programme that will certainly be a great incentive. He then wants to reward customers for their purchases with a higher discount, etc. At this time, he is working on being able to give better prices to registered customers as well.

And what does the e-shop expect from the implementation of Seznam Log-in?

For now, it offers this as an “accelerated” log-in method, to make it easier for customers to log in to the site. Lots of people have an account with Seznam, which they see as a big bonus.

With Seznam Log-in, all people need to do is just one click, and they are simply registered and logged in to your website. It works like other standard log-ins, and it enjoys great trust from users. It is an important step, especially in the shopping process when a user has to register in an e-shop or fill in details to complete the purchase. As an added bonus, it is completely free for all Seznam clients and partners