Should you target desktops or mobiles? Combine both options!

5. September 2023 In cooperation with:   MK_luzkoviny_v2

The number of people who use a mobile phone or tablet to surf the Internet is constantly growing, so it makes sense to target them in campaigns. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t forget about users who prefer using desktop. In this case study we show how to effectively combine both target groups to achieve the best possible results through retargeting.

About the client

MKLůž is a family-owned company that has been on the Czech market for six years. Its product range focuses primarily on bed linen, pillows, duvets and towels. Its growth and market position are the result of hard work and the courage to discover and try new things, both with the products that it sells and with those that it tests itself before sharing them with customers, and with its marketing strategy. 

Retargeting is essential for e-shops

Sklik has been a stable component of MKLůž’s marketing strategy for a number of years, allowing it to take full advantage of the possibilities offered by the search and content network. As it is an e-shop, an important component of its strategy is retargeting, that is, targeting people who have already visited a specific website or shown interest in specific products.

Visuals used in banners

The client decided to focus its retargeting campaigns on desktop and mobile devices or tablets. The data originates from campaigns run in January and February 2023 that utilised banners, as well as identical campaigns based on combined advertising. In these campaigns the client used predefined retargeting lists of users who had visited certain categories of websites in the last few days, while excluding those who had made purchases on the website in the previous two weeks. 

We mostly use Sklik as an acquisition channel as it has an excellent reach of users on the Czech Internet, and for us it is indispensable for this type of targeting. The retargeting campaign at the beginning of the year showed us that, while a large group of users find out about us through their mobile devices, they then find it more convenient to place orders on the desktop.

Division of campaigns makes optimisation easier

In order to maximise results, retargeting campaigns were divided and targeted at desktop and mobile devices thanks to the possibilities offered by multipliers, which can be found in the settings of every device. Users on various devices have diverse behaviour patterns. Division therefore allows the better optimisation of campaigns.

OUR TIP: We sometimes observe that clients deliberately put their mobile devices on silent mode. However, we know from our data that the proportion of users who use their mobile to surf the Internet is constantly growing. The reduction, or even exclusion, of mobile targeting therefore deprives them of the chance to reach a large number of potential customers. If any device does not show the desired results, it is better to divide your campaigns and optimise each campaign separately. 

People browse products on their mobiles, but buy from their desktops

Mobile devices led to a 400% increase in users of the MKLůž website compared to desktop, and overall, the CTR was also favourable to mobile phones and tablets. The CPC on mobile devices was more than 50% cheaper than on desktop, so we can see that mobile devices and tablets can direct cheap traffic to the advertiser’s website. On the other hand, the conversion ratio and overall PNO were worse.

When we look at the conversion ratio, for banners it is approx. 3.31% on Desktop and 0.9% on mobile devices and tablets. In the campaign with combined ads the conversion ratio on Desktop was 1.77%, and 0.65% on mobile devices. It can be seen that users do not click through on desktop as often, but when they do, they buy more often.

Combined targeting makes sense

In general, we perceive retargeting as more performance-based type of targeting, so you may wonder whether to continue targeting to mobile devices and tablets. More detailed data showed that up to 43% of users first click through advertising on their mobile device and then make the purchase on desktop. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense to discontinue advertising on mobile devices, which direct users to the client’s website. All you then need to do is remind them about a product they’ve previously showed interest in. the most suitable solution is therefore to combine targeting to mobile devices and desktop.

On behalf of Sklik: Tereza Brožová