We are unifying the metrics for video advertising with YouTube

To make it easier for you to evaluate your campaigns, we are changing the method of video ad metrics calculation in Sklik. While previously the key indicator for us was the number of times an ad was played to the end, regardless of its length, we will now also consider other interactions with the ad.

Adjusting the calculation of metrics allows you to easily compare results from major video advertising platforms, including YouTube. We are including clicks on ads or 30-second watch times for longer videos in the recalculated view-related metrics.

Current calculationNew calculation 
Number of views  The number of times a video ad has been played to the end, regardless of the length of the ad.

Calculation: number of video views up to 100%.
The number of times a video ad has been played to the end, watched to 30 seconds for videos longer than 30 seconds, or clicked on.

Calculation: Number of click on the video or views up to 100% or views with a viewing time equal to or greater than 30 seconds.
Represents the percentage of video ads that were played to the end, regardless of the length of the ad.

Calculation: number of video views up to 100% / total number of impressions.
Represents the percentage of video ads that were played to the end, watched to 30 seconds for videos longer than 30 seconds, or clicked on. 

Calculation: Number of click on the video or views up to 100% or views with a viewing time equal to or greater than 30 seconds / total number of impressions.

The change will take place on 27 May 2024 and will not affect historical statistics. In other words, we will not change the numbers that have already been counted. Remember to take this change in methodology into account when evaluating video campaigns running during the period in which the change occurred.

We believe that the adjusted campaign metrics will make it easier for you to evaluate your campaigns.

Sklik Team